Catchy name for event management company
Catchy name for event management company

Go through your list and check for controversial or illegal words. Once you’ve ordered your list, you’ll want to run each possibility through the gauntlet to make sure it adheres to the following rules… Register your business name legally Psst!…Need more information about branding? Check out these articles on Branding Your Business Style and Personal Branding & Your Business! Rules for Naming your Business Once your first list is done, go through it and eliminate the names you don’t like Then, order the ones you DO like from favorite to least favorite. You’ll probably find it’ll take about 10-20 names before starting to think outside the box and come up with some real winners. It helps eliminate it from your thought process, and writing it down can inspire further creativity. Even if you come up with a ridiculously cheesy name, write it down. Be as creative as you want and write down every contender for your business name. Names from books, mythology or other works of fictionĭon’t limit yourself here.Once you have an idea of the message you want to convey, start looking for words, phrases or names that convey that message. There are countless sources from which you can draw inspiration for a business name. Once you have a general description of your brand’s core values, you’ll be better equipped to make a short list of possible names. For instance, a business that stands for classic elegance and timeless decor will be named differently than a business whose focus is on fun and eclectic events. Pick a name that fits in with your brand image. Developing your Brandīefore you choose a business name, you need establish your brand’s values. You’ll want to choose a name that is relatable, punchy, or interesting enough to make people want to know more. That’s not a lot of time, so make it count! Whether you like it or not, your business name will be the first impression your potential clients receive. Well… a lot, actually! They say people make up their mind about a brand in less than 30 seconds. We’re going to give you a rundown of everything you need to know about choosing the perfect business name. Yes, many of the business-greats have already claimed the punny names out there, but don’t lose hope! A great name can carry a business to success, so it deserves some serious contemplation. After graduating from your wedding and event planning courses, you’re ready to start your own business! Choosing an effective name for your event planning business shouldn’t be a spur-of-the-moment decision.

Catchy name for event management company